Gary the Poet's Pen
Will He Call You By Name?
When the shofar is soon blown And He gathers His very own Will He call you by name?
When the world is tumbling down And destructive chaos is all around Will this world ever be the same?
When the sun refuses to shine Will you discern the heavenly sign Will you then be called away?
Will the consequences of your actions Bring you joy and satisfaction On that fateful and holy day?
Will you live with eternal regret The secret sins in you unrepentant Who then shall you blame?
The time is now to the Lord turn Ask for grace which you cannot earn Will He indeed call you by name?
If you cannot discern the season What then shall be the reason Which god do you truly serve?
In school, we all are given a grade To represent the progress made This one is not graded on the curve.
I cannot save you, though I may try To put your faith in me is an evil lie Do you know why Jesus first came?
So let me close in simple prayer I hope we will both be there My friend, will he call you by name?
Written by Gary Cox 9/3/2016. To God be the glory!