Princess & The Pony Collection
The Princess and The Pony collection was birthed by me sometime around 2014. It was a desire of mine to write a collection of fables similar to Aesop. The following paragraphs contain the details of my remembrance of this origin to the best of my ability.
I had become friends via Facebook to an author named Marti Tote. We discussed many things including her great love of horses. She owns a small horse ranch and rides whenever the opportunity arises. She has a grandchild named Zoe who I remember as being around 6 years of age at the time. I eventually daydreamed about Zoe riding a horse and wondered what this horse would be called. In an attempt at alliteration, I quipped…Zoe and the pony Penelope. I then said…”hmmm, how about the Princess Zoe and her playful pony Penelope?”
I shortened the title to “The Princess and the Pony.” Over the next few years, Zoe and Penelope would have many adventures within my imagination.
Fast forward to 2017, I had married Amy and was living in Missouri. Our daughter Bella enjoyed the Princess stories very much. She was saying to me as children all want to do, “Can I be a princess, too?” Now Bella had a toy horse named Buttercup and I said…"Cannot there be multiple kingdoms and multiple princesses?" And thus the Princess and the Pony stories were expanded.
Eventually, Bella and Zoe met each other in print and had several adventures together. Altogether, I think that there are about 25 of these poems. I desire to birth more stories, but never force my writing. It may even be that as Bella becomes older and if she writes, she will add to my collection as well. One of the most fulfilling days of my life was when I FINALLY put together a printed book for Marti Tote.
Although these stories tell a specific moral lesson, I try to make them informative rather than a lecture. The writings take artistic license with physics and the space time continuum. Both Buttercup and Penelope have an ability to talk and fly. I also have made this volume of my poetry non-religious in the hope that someone might ask the question, “How can he write of things that seem more like Alice in Wonderland AND have such a devoted dedication to the Bible?” My answer is that this life is so short and our experience with the cosmos/universe so very limited. We may someday/somewhere encounter animals that talk, creatures other than birds that fly and a world of wonder that desires to be explored.
My hope is that your inner child is inspired and enjoys the adventures of Princess Zoe and Bella as much as we all do!