Beyond The Rain
1. When the storms clouds get you down And trouble is all around You feel the anguish, you feel the pain There is a Savior who is near...
1. When the storms clouds get you down And trouble is all around You feel the anguish, you feel the pain There is a Savior who is near...
Help me to live a life that is worth living So quick to lend a hand, to be forgiving, When others see into my soul internally May it be...
The Poets Pen was composing and reposing his daily portion When he heard speak into his spirit the child of an abortion, She had a female...
I am stuck behind a mouse, alone in the house and in a jail Three days trapped as a rat in a maze, never seems to fail, I spoke of the...
I remember the first time I heard my own mother’s heartbeat A steady beating within my insulated cocoon and tiny retreat, I became more...
Great is the Lord and beyond human comprehension now is He His power, daily and by the hour, causes the darkness to flee, What I shall...
He Who Prays Shall Praise To petition God in a holy and humble way, be he who prays Read the Word, meditate on what you heard in love...
The Full Armor Of God There is a battle that rages with a soul to be lost and won The war of the ages of the serpent versus God’s only...
Princess Bella woke up with shouts of horror from a dreary dream Oh Buttercup, this was the most horrible thing, I let out a scream,...
Sounding The Alarm In the garden of temptation, surrounded by all manner of delight Here where we stand or fall as soldiers of the Lord,...
A New Lease On Life O how precious and priceless to dwell together in unity Each piece of the puzzle completing the image perfectly, To...
Let me now write to you of a very special kind of basket It contains fruit that if eaten is more than just a tasket, This fruit is grown...
Mr. Biden, is this a dream? Why are the troops out giving vaccines? Why are there corpses and gunfire all over? Why is there burning from...
To Mark It, to market Our Holy Bible tells us we will not be able to buy or sell without taking the Mark of the Beast. This means you may...
Buckle Up, Buttercup In the natural world right now, it would be easy to look down With the news of the day, violence and the winter all...
Taming The Tongue Here is a true story and a riddle that I present now to you With these words, one may decipher what there is to do, I...
If there are those who feed on pain, there comes a feast A world war to destroy the old order, usher in the beast, The weapons of war are...
The Great Denial Have you departed metaphoric Egypt and the mighty Nile? It is full of idolatry and of the Truth, there can be no denial,...
Well a man comes on the six o clock news Says there is a vaccine I better not refuse, Old Gates states free will is a relic of the past I...
Har Megiddo O vanity of vanities, who are these thus militarily assembled? Will they gain an eternal kingdom and be ever remembered? They...