Gary the Poet's Pen
Versatile Psalmist 99.0
At The Judgment Seat
The world system proclaims who are you to judge me?
I will do as I wilt is their hypocritical and lawless decree,
These things will go on as they have always gone before
We usher in the golden age of men as written in 1984.
Whereas Samuel, Moses, and Joshua met Him on high
Careful to obey His statutes without questioning the why,
The Scripture speaks of a day of a reckoning and a sword
It has many names, but quite simply is The Day Of the Lord.
There will be The judgment, a harvesting and a separation
The Angels have their assignments and wait in preparation,
Have you read The Book to see how the dividing will enfold?
On that day, will your largesse save you, your silver and gold?
Live a life that is worthy to counted as holy and repent today
Jesus Christ is the only begotten son and the narrow way,
Take the time to know what He expects when you then meet
The Ultimate Judge; in the crossroads of eternity at His seat.
Written by Gary Cox 11/12/ God be the glory