Versatile Psalmist 74.0
How Much Longer?
O Lord ,how much longer will You let the heathen rage?
Will You bring about an end to sin and begin a new age?
The elite have unfastened their crowning virus as the key
To help usher in the man of sin, the beast of all iniquity.
Will the media continue to be the puppets of the Rothchilds?
Will Christians soon be hunted down as the vermin of the wilds?
Will You return to gather your own before this depravity rules?
Will the goats then awaken to see that they are craven fools?
Will Halloween usher in the opening of the pit with the horde?
Who are reserved for eternal hellfire for betraying You, my Lord,
What a season to be alive and awake in this perilous of times
Will the tares be repaid for their schemes and wicked crimes?
I ask that my family be found worthy to escape the holocaust
To be counted among the righteous and not as one of the lost,
I turn away from any error or sin that would cause You to deal
My penitent heart cries out with a voice that is fervent and real.
To You be the glory and there is nothing more that I need to say
Renew my spirit, beyond all limit and be my savior here today!
Written by Gary Cox 05/28/2020, to God be the glory