Versatile Psalmist 73.0
The Slippery Slope
I was once full of envy for those who appeared to have it all
Who elevated their status in the world and were never to fall,
In their palaces made of marble, wood and fine landscaping
I wanted what they had, desiring a way from poverty escaping.
I wept, wailed and made quite a show of my disdain for life
Outwardly I smiled, but my inner man was full of great strife,
I cried out to God and reminded Him that this was so unfair
Why wasn’t I one of the grandiose souls who resided there?
I was led to read the book of Revelation; to view the very end
Of those who practice iniquity and not call the Lord their friend,
I remembered my place and repented of my sin of this jealousy
He has cleansed me from sin and prepared a place there for me.
On a slippery slope are those who place their trust in their wealth
Soon it will be gone, as well as their time on Earth and their health,
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and strive for His righteousness
All other things that are of Him, He will richly give you and bless!
Written by Gary Cox 05/17/2020, to God be the glory