Versatile Psalmist 2.0
Updated: Jan 30, 2020
Why do the nations conspire and will the wicked ever tire?
The satanic satraps and their handlers plot and plan in vain,
They wage a war of wills against the anointed, getting thrills
The Lord in the heavens laughs and says listen to Me again.
In my wrath, I will set the evildoers on a path of desolation
My Son will, in His justice and power, make a proclamation,
The nations of men will be your inheritance and possession
Following my holy laws and statutes has been your obsession.
Therefore, you rulers of the Earth and those now in power
Serve the Lord with humility or with power He will devour,
Happy are those men who obey and thus take refuge in Him
Sing His praises and make your life a living, sacrificial hymn!
Author’s note:
There are lyrics in a song I listen to which seem to say:
“I think it’s that because I have seen all the fuss, and it’s no big deal.”
To me, this means that at the tender age of 50, I have experienced most everything that the world system has to offer and it is no big deal. I cannot go back and get a do over on all of the sinful/stupid decisions I have made; but I can decide today (and every future today) to follow the Lord along HIS path for me.
One would have to be blind not to see the direction that the culture, the media and the so called illuminated handlers strive towards. Will we be like Joshua? “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. Or be like Lot in Sodom? Will we wring our hands and hope that things will go back to the way they used to be…adapted from Psalm 2.
Written by Gary Cox on 5/07/2019 - adapted from Pslam 2. To God be the glory!