Versatile Psalmist 149.0
To the glory of the Lord God Almighty, let me raise an anthem
One that is worthy to be called His chorus, to be sung sweetly,
May the story of the Lord be forever poured out from the lips
Of those who now behold His Heaven of lights not discreetly.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, may all things be for His joy
He is the bringer of the bright lights that all may be imbued,
He is the Christ and is forever the culmination of fascination
He is the Divine One who came down to redeem His doves,
He is the Earthly rabbi, who wrote the stories that matter most
He is forever the festival of the faithful who have followed Him,
He alone is God and is going to greatly have His will completed
He is the healer, but puts a halt to the heathen heading to hell,
He is the indestructible, immortal, and ingenious GREAT I AM!
He is now Jehovah Jirra Jew who has joined all the human race,
He has transcended that which is called karma to bring His will
He is the lion of the tribe of Judah, whose roar shall be heard,
He is the maker of all things and is the most marvelous of men
He is NEVER a liar, a failure or in need of a new age of mankind,
He alone is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and the ONE!
He paved the way via the cross so we may now have His paradise,
He has questioned the temporal satraps and has quizzed them all
He is the redeemer and the only reality which will richly reward,
He is the soul bearer and the only begotten Son of the Father
He is the truth and to Him, we owe an eternal gratitude of praise,
He is unto us as the next breath of air and THE source of salvation
He is victorious in His veneration of the perfect execution of love,
He is why there is an afterlife and why we still sing Amazing Grace
He loves you more than YOU may ever know; y’all can be thankful,
He is the zenith of the sunray and moonbeam, the pure and holy!
Written by Gary Cox 03/25/ God be the glory
I omitted the X verse in the hope that you might like to add it later!