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  • Writer's pictureGary the Poet's Pen

Versatile Psalmist 15.0

O Lord, who shall dwell with You in Your kingdom, is there a list?

We would well to study these words and not so quickly dismiss,

Via Your Holy Spirit, here are some of the examples that You sent

Listen up carefully, those who endeavor to reside in Your tent.

There are those who walk with faith, who do that which is right

There are those who speak the truth from the heart in Your sight,

There are the meek, who do not slander and love their friends

There are the ones who pay back their debts and make amends.

There are those who keep their word and never the gossip makers

Absent from your sight are money lenders and the oath breakers,

There are those who administer the laws rightly from every tribe

Do not prey upon the innocent are not found to ever take a bribe.

This list is not comprehensive and the path of entry is very narrow

Resolve yourself to be swift to forgive and fly as straight as an arrow,

Let no lie be found upon your lips and no blood upon your hands

May you be found worthy to dwell with the Lord in His holy lands.

Author’s notes: This poem was inspired by Psalm 15 and to God be the glory. It was a joy to write and I hope that you are blessed in its reading. For those who are inspired, please feel free to add a verse or two of your own to my poem. Who else is mentioned in the sermon on the mount?

Written by Gary Cox 6/5/2019. To God be the glory!

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