Versatile Psalmist 124.0
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There will come a day when the only help left is the Lord
Israel will cry out to the One whom they rejected before,
Then the elders will see whom they pierced and let out a cry
Then the naysayers will be silenced with none left to deny.
It will not be via a piece of parchment that mankind is saved
In the absence of His actions, all kinsfolk would be enslaved,
The beast longs for a techno feast to ever alter Adam’s DNA
Holy Scripture tells a different narrative to happen that day.
All whom the Lord redeems will be blessed and ever regale
The victory will be His alone and He is the hero of this tale,
Lest we should boast and attempt to gain advantage again
No, we will bow down and sing the choruses ever, amen.
Are you still asleep; do you think that scientists mean well?
What will it take for you to awaken, being locked in a cell?
O that men would humble themselves, look up and be saved
Living via the Spirit, a life full of virtue and no more depraved.
written by Gary Cox 01/23/ God be the glory