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Versatile Psalmist 117.0

The Whole World In His Hands

It has been written that one day Jesus will rule the nations

It seems most sensible to put into verse holy proclamations,

He shall surely rule over the Australians and the Aborigines

He shall rule Brazil; the Amazon River flowing into the seas.

He shall rule the Czech Republic with its firearms and guns

He shall rule Denmark, home of many daughters and sons,

He shall rule Ethiopia and its people shall know prosperity

He shall rule Finland, and fishermen of the Norwegian Sea.

He shall rule Germany where the engineers are so refined

He shall rule Holland, and the beauty of all there designed,

He shall rule India and the era of idolatry shall be at an end

He shall rule Japan, to the rising sun He shall daily ascend.

He shall rule Korea and no more shall a zone of death rule

He shall rule Lithuania; free at last, not a communist tool,

He shall rule Mexico and the drug cartels will no longer be

He shall rule New Zealand, home of many beautiful Kiwis.

He shall rule Oman with a rod of iron and things to come

He shall rule Peru, with its diversity within the Kingdom,

He shall rule Qatar, with its salty waterway of the Bahrain

He shall rule Romania, which will be at peace with Ukraine.

He shall rule Spain, its cuisine and the mighty matadors

He rules Taiwan, who is now freed from the border wars,

He shall rule Uruguay, with its river of silver to daily fish

He rules Venezuela, freed from tyranny was its only wish.

He shall rule Western Samoa, nestled in the Pacific Ocean

He shall rule Xina, ending the dragon’s rule and commotion,

He shall rule Yemen, with its collection of hot, tiny islands

He shall rule Zambia, Zaire and Zimbabwe and all the lands.

Thus shall be the Kingdom of the One who broke the seals

This is discussed in the book of the Apocalypse that reveals.

Written by Gary Cox 12/31/ God be the glory

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