Versatile Psalmist 11.0
If, in the Lord, I take refuge and am confident of His safety
How can you, murmuring and complaining, then say to me?
That I should flee to the mountains like a feeble, flying bird
Am I to crawl on all fours like a wildebeest, is this not absurd?
The Lord will truly test the goats and sheep in His righteousness
He will reward with sulfur and coals those who love violence,
A scorching cup of chaos and condemnation is their portion
Are those who perpetrate and profit from the sin of abortion.
To those who are merciful and righteous in their daily deeds
The Lord shall save their souls and supply all of their needs,
So let me safely shelter in the arms of the Lord God Almighty
Who sent His own Son to save us with His strength mightily!
Author’s notes: This simple poem was inspired by Psalm 11 and composed with the music of Steven Curtis Chapman in the background. I give the Lord the glory and the praise for the ability to write with spirit all of my days. I hope you are safely within the perfect will of the Lord and spend time daily in His holy word!
Written by Gary Cox 5/29/2019. To God be the glory!