Versatile Psalmist 107.0
O That Men
O that men would praise the Lord, for He is good
Oh that men all of their days, living as they should,
O that the preachers would proclaim Hell is still hot
O that the brethren would daily discern and sin not.
O that the children would hear and then swiftly obey
Being quick to honor their parents without any delay,
O that the accusers would be more willing to rectify
So that they would receive their pardon; others testify.
O that we all could be diligent to tame our tiny tongue
Being aware we will remember when we were young,
O that the wives would tend to their garden and flock
Placing their trust in the Lord, who will be their rock.
O that families would spend more time in penitent prayer
Showing others within their household that they truly care,
O that we who live in these temples made of flesh and clay
Would be more holy in our dress and music that we play.
O that these words would now stir you to a vow of action
Prompting you to read your Bibles with joy and satisfaction,
O that we would live to see the day when The Lord returns
Finding his church eager to meet Him as one truly yearns!
Written by Gary Cox 12/08/ God be the glory