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The Princess And The Pony Meet Mr. Leo

The Princess and the Pony Collection of Poems

The princesses were in class and rehearsing their ABC’s

When they heard a rustle and a bustle there in the trees,

A kitty cat with matted fur was mewing and all in a mess

He had on a collar with a name hidden to the princesses.

The students looked at this situation while on their recess

They raced to see if they could assist this feline in duress,

Let us coax him down with a tasty treat I packed for lunch

I know this will work well, Princess Bella stated in a hunch.

Try as they might, the cat was oblivious to the supplications

They finally asked their teacher for help without reservations,

Zoe and Bella, cats have a mind of their own, but do let us try

Have a picnic under the tree, let the cat’s curiosity multiply.

Do not pay attention to the kitty, or else it might then ignore

Make a lot of noise and jostling about to see what is in store,

Lo and behold, the cat came down in time of its own accord

They took the cat into the classroom and peace was restored.

The cat napped and seemed not to notice all the academics

Eventually he hopped on the teacher’s desk to join the mix,

Ah, see students, this cat has a name and it is indeed Leo

I believe it will follow one of you home whenever you go.

Leo followed Bella back to the castle and was introduced

Buttercup let out a whinny and an adoption was induced,

Bella desired to teach Leo his ABC’s, but there was no hope

Academics were for humans and well beyond a kitty’s scope.

There are lessons to be learned here and now I give you one

Even while learning, there’s always an opportunity to have fun,

There are many ways of assisting and like Mr. Leo in the tree

An indirect approach may be just the thing to set him ever free!

Written by Gary Cox 01/02/ God be the glory

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