Scarborough Fair, Take Me There
If you would find me at all, it will be within my numerous rhymes
Of my foibles and mistakes, they are more than a mint of dimes,
I have gotten up from a fall, and am shaking off a mound of mud
I once again will stand tall, forgiven and then driven by the Blood.
If you are fortunate, your story may make its way onto my pages
I hope from there; it captivates, motivates and forever rearranges,
If you listen closely, you may hear the gentle sound of tiny wings
Butterflies are flitting by and are the gentlest of all flying things.
Is that a harmony I hear, hoping your biography helps us to dance?
Your loved one is a hero and protagonist within your own romance,
Ask me any question and you will now see me charading a shoosh
If poetry is your obsession, I can give you a gentle nudge and a push.
Paul Simon once wrote that true love often imposes impossible tasks
But not any more than a heart born from above ever dares or asks,
Whether you cook a marriage with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Know that my recipe for all eternity is Amy being the true love of mine.
Adapted from an original tune by Paul Simon and a medieval poem, Gary Cox 03/18/2021, to God be the glory