Miss Lavvie
There you are within my mind’s eye
A figure stands out among the sky,
I wanted you to know this so badly
I dedicate this poem to Miss Lavvie.
I remember your garden with taters
Red for slicing are many tomatoes,
You wear your bonnet in the high heat
As you tire, to the shade you then retreat.
You handle with ease, a dogwood switch
On those who long for mischief, an itch,
Oftentimes, there is the waft of fresh bread
I remember your stories, the words you said.
You were a friend to the kids in the hollow
Wherever you went, a kind smile followed,
We prayed with you and you fed the many
I stacked your firewood for nary a penny.
You are in the Master’s garden, a memory
Of simpler times, a source of tranquility,
I rejoice that I sang for you in younger days
I lift up your legacy, my friend, Lavvie Mays!
Written by Gary Cox October 2021...to God be the glory
