Versatile Psalmist 96.0
Crush The Snake
There is a coiled up snake right there behind you
It may strike, poison, incapacitate and bind you,
This snake moves when you take notice.
This slippery snake has many forms and iterations
It has cursed some of its owners for generations,
Many invite into their orbit as their pet.
The longer you let this snake go unchallenged, it grows
How much grief and anguish it causes, nobody knows,
If you let it run loose, you will be in its debt.
For those reading this poem who are so far confused
I am glad that you are now free and no longer abused
You have crushed the snake and moved on.
You better make a decision to kill the serpent right now
You will find peace of mind that only victory can endow
Ask the Lord to cast a stone and move along.
This serpent was your past and all of the pain you feel
Although only exists in your mind, the torment was real
Fill your life with the Word and His perfect plan.
When you hear the faint murmuring of a voice with a hiss
Speak the name of Jesus Christ and be glad you are His
Be more courageous than Adam, you are the man!
Written by Gary Cox 11/05/2020...To God be the glory