Versatile Psalmist 82.0
How Much Is Enough?
If there were redeemed dollar for dollar every ticket sold
If the care of the needy was an award made of pure gold,
Would the suffering of the poverty stricken have ended?
If wars had never started, would we be a people blended?
If buildings were made of materials sturdier than stone
Would the genuine creativity of mankind at last shone?
If parenthood was valued as the most precious title still
Would we learn to live in harmony and value the thrill?
Are six thousand years enough to say that we have failed?
When our leaders are purchased, bribed and blackmailed,
When Jesus returns to set up His kingdom it is faith He finds?
Or will he see depravity, looting and total loss of the minds?
My questions beckon you to resolve within your human heart
Make a decision to turn away from sin and make a new start,
Will you be appointed to live in the kingdom of His Holy peace?
Where the greed of the bankers and lawyers shall finally cease.
Written by Gary Cox 08/29/2020, to God be the glory