Versatile Psalmist 80.0
The Human's Race
A man can turn to the East and turn to the West
The man who turns to the Lord is highly blessed,
There is many a carnal pleasure while on the path
If you turn to these, you will incur His holy wrath.
Those who choose The Way are narrow and few
More than the words you say, it is what you do,
To take up your cross and one not made of wood
Means to deny yourself, doing all that you should.
It is not to your neighbor that you give your account
You conduct in the valley will be the key on the mount,
What words will you hear within the heavenly court?
I long to hear these seven, though they are very short.
Well done my good and faithful servant will forever ring
In the ears of my spirit when they are spoken by the King,
So run your race well for there is truly no second chance
There will be no appeals court regardless of circumstance.
So I exhort you to turn your eyes upon Jesus and His grace
Choose you this day who you will serve and finish the race,
A crown of life, a name in His book and His kingdom come
Are the rewards to be bestowed when this race is all done!
Written by Gary Cox 08/24/2020, to God be the glory