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Writer's pictureGary the Poet's Pen

Versatile Psalmist 140.0

The Sounds Of Heaven

Will it be like the stringing of a Stradivarius violin?

Will it sound like a symphony we are all playing in?

Will it sound like a rushing of the river over the falls?

Will it be a mother who to her newborn child calls?

Will it sound like the play of kittens with some string?

Will it be like a million children, who as one, do sing?

Will it sound like the wind that seems to come and go?

Will we be harmonious, victorious, going with the flow?

Will we all stop to listen and never again to remember?

The pain of dying, a complete eclipse, a dying ember,

Will we all join in the chorus as though angels adept?

Will we then be dancers who into the skies have lept?

Will we all bow down when we hear You speak to us?

Will we humbled by a Lord so holy and magnanimous?

What will it sound like when your creation echoes back?

Never again to be ruled by greed and causing others lack.

Will the speech of mankind be mostly thought in heart?

A feeling of fantastic fellowship with no ending or start,

Will our ears be tuned to hear the beating of tiny wings?

Will our fears be forever vanquished amid happy things?

The sounds of heaven right now are scarcely imagined

Does even a minute of time go by without a contagion?

No matter, for truly the Lord will have the last say in all

Let your actions in this life be a beacon and a clarion call.

Written by Gary Cox 02/24/ God be the glory

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