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Versatile Psalmist 136.0

Waiting For The Sun To Rise

What can I write to give the Lord glory and show my thanks?

You have shored up my sinking vessel with new cedar planks,

Do I see the Lord in the eyes of His people I meet on the way?

Love is an action of satisfaction and not just in the words I say.

It is a comfort to be comforted in the best of natural things

It is more blessed to comfort others with Your mighty wings,

Do we take the time to still peer into the eyes of yet another?

Perhaps in the passing of time, you will discover your brother.

Do you ever stop in the solace of a pregnant silence to just be?

Pulling with the yoke of the Lord and grateful to at last be free,

What will your guardian angels write as they scribe your walk?

Did you sing a song to the sparrows that are flying in the park?

The Lord appreciates the tradesmen, those who with skill build

The Lord judges and grades all men; grieving those to be killed,

Remember that when the darkest of nights seems to be control

A day will dawn when the Lord restores and makes things whole.

Until that fateful day, let me thus be earnestly about His business

If you have wronged me, I give to you my most sincere forgiveness,

If my poetry has blessed you, even in a simple and ethereal way

Please keep my family and I in your thoughts and prayers today!

Written by Gary Cox 02/18/ God be the glory

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My name is Gary Cox and I am a poet who writes inspired poetry from the Lord as well as from my own life's trials, blessings, experiences and hard lessons.  I pray you are blessed and inspired by a sampling of my collection contained in my blog.  To learn more about me, please visit my "About the Author" page! 


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