Versatile Psalmist 132.0
On The Road To Mt. Zion
Have you begun a journey to find a place of sweet rest?
Is there somewhere here on Earth you will feel blessed?
A king once swore that he would not rest until he found
The Lord God almighty and to worship upon holy ground.
He gave a name to this place and it is now called Mt. Zion
One of the tribesmen from Judah is called the mighty lion,
Will you have a place of holy habitation among the land?
Have you placed your hope on the Rock, will you stand?
Do my words make sense to you, or are they a prattling?
To daily overcome your fleshly desires, are you a battling?
Is your bread baked in the oven of wisdom to thus satisfy?
Of carnal pleasures and treasures, do you resist and deny?
There is a roadmap in print to assist you in the navigation
It is called the Holy Bible and is a good source of inspiration,
Do you know what the King commands and do you obey?
When He reviews your life, what words shall He then say?
Well done, my good and faithful servant is all that matters
Depart from me shall be the words that eternally scatters,
Choose you this day He that you follow and faithfully serve
Upon the battlements, obey His commandments, observe!
Written by Gary Cox 02/10/ God be the glory