Versatile Psalmist 130.0
A New Name
I wait and I wait, for the Lord has a timetable all His own
He will bring a harvest in my life from seeds I have sown,
I cry and I cry, and yet true justice still seems so far away
I fly and I fly, at the sound of the trumpet upon that day.
O what a day that will be when I am free from all iniquity
No more delay will see, His face will I love for all eternity,
Redeemed at last, from the terror, the suffering and shame
It all seemed so fast, He has given me a place and a name.
For now, I hope that the words of the prophets are true
Somehow, making use of my time here is what I must do,
I lay down at night in anticipation of the light that comes
What a joyful sight, to see a new garden with many mums.
O Israel, you will be remade anew and never again a slave
You will be the centerpiece that the Lord to us once gave,
A pity, a pity will be those who are rejected upon that day
A city, a city, home to me; as we enter in and never go away!
Written by Gary Cox 02/02/ God be the glory