Versatile Psalmist 125.0
The Life Raft
Be my buckler, O My Lord, and with Your power deflect
Be my bridge, O Lord, and the way to eternal life connect,
Be my radar, so that I see in advance the enemy aircraft
When I abandon ship via the world system, be my life raft.
Be my surety, when all other forms of commerce do fail
Be my next breathe, O my Lord, and the one that I exhale,
Be my musician and the melody to captivate my heart
Be my navigator, guiding me on the helm and the chart.
Be my new beginning after the storms of life blow through
Help me see my priorities and help me do what I must do,
O Lord, be the One who delays my trip and be the reason
That I avoided a wreck and via obedience I was a pleasing.
Help me be the one who does not need to get the last word
Help me to be silent when discussion is fruitless and absurd,
Help me to keep perspective, knowing the time and the place
That You shall bring me home, being blessed to see Your face!
Written by Gary Cox 01/23/ God be the glory