Versatile Psalmist 119.0
The Alphabet Of Faith
A-The Lord is the Alpha and the Omega and always keeps His word
B-Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the Word of God
C-Create in me a clean heart that I may see the face of my Creator
D-Destroy the works of the enemy that I may dwell with Thee, O Lord
E-Give unto each day what you can with energy and enthusiasm
F-Follow after righteousness like a frantic cheetah during the chase
G-Give to the Lord what is His and get your mind focused on Him
H-Have mercy and compassion for those who at times struggle
I-In all things, give thanks to the Invisible Ancient of Days
J-Let Jesus be your joy and job to show His love via your actions
K-Let your heart knowledge of kindness kindle a light in your kin
L-Love the Lord with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength
M-Make time to be with Him in prayer, meditation and the Word
N-Now is the time to repent, there may never be another chance
O-Only the Lord God can give you the desires of your own heart
P-Pray with passion, patience and in a penitent, personal manner
Q-Quit seeking to find the speck of wood in your brother’s eye
R-Resist the devil and he will flee from you by faith in the Rock
S-Surrender all facets of your life to Him and shine like a diadem!
T-Tell the truth in all things, take the time to be a holy tabernacle
U-Understand that it is enough to use your talents for His glory
V-Veritas is a voluminous virtue that vilifies the venom of vices
W-Which one of us apart from the Blood of Christ is worthy?
Y-Why do you argue about which one of you is the greatest?
Z-Can you be as zealous about eternity as you are about today?
Written by Gary Cox 01/05/ God be the glory