Gary the Poet's Pen
Versatile Psalmist 103.0
Hide Not Your Face
Hide not Your face from me at this darkest of hours
About to come on the scene is the darkest of powers,
Fueled by rage, for he knows that his time is so short
He has read Your book and yet will utter this retort.
You failed in the age before when you did not let me
Be in charge of Your creation and worship technology,
Free will was an experiment that was doomed to fail
I will reengineer them as automatons, to tell the tale.
The enemy’s minions and lackeys have set the stage
Ready to transform humanity into a new era and age,
Gone will be families and to love is to break the law
He will try to eradicate free will as a designer’s flaw.
Pain and suffering will feed his need to exert his might
He will dance upon the carcasses he killed in the night,
A vaccine awaits and the nanites will work from within
A mark of allegiance to be administered under the skin.
Lord Jesus, let me be found worthy to escape this hell
I desire to be with You as it was before humanity fell,
We will be the generation that witnesses Your return
Or a generation reduced to ashes while our bodies burn.
Written by Gary Cox 11/19/ God be the glory