Gary the Poet's Pen
The Fruits Of The Spirit
Let me now write to you of a very special kind of basket
It contains fruit that if eaten is more than just a tasket,
This fruit is grown on the pages of Scripture while read
It matures within your spirit as you are asleep in a bed.
Let me start with the one that helps us to be a metal
This quality is refined and so desired; are you gentle?
Will you cause your voice to be a whisper in the storm?
I tell you that within the natural realm, it’s not the norm.
Do you keep the secret and are remembering your vows?
Do you walk with your brother as your time thus allows?
Do you believe in what Jesus Christ has promised and saith?
You, my friend, have found a rare treasure we call the faith.
Reflect now upon those virtues that bring about serenity
Do you use your time upon that which lasts an eternity?
Make it a point to make a difference as you truly should
Let the shadow of your soul be one that is pure and good.
Do you point out the faults of others, calling them blind?
Are you then without any sin and is your motives kind?
Do you add to a situation that which rescues and redeems?
Do you bind together a wound or rip it apart at the seams?
The next fruit is one that for me is so elusive and ethereal
My flesh longs for the chance to act upon that which I feel,
Do you daily pray for the grace and mastery of still waiting?
Do you walk away from the stress until your rage is abating?
Here is another that seems to have a remedy that will bless
Do not rely upon external circumstances to know happiness,
Feelings are fickle; like a mannequin are a feint and a decoy
Have your confidence firmly fixated on Jesus and have joy!
Now Paul commands us in a very famous book he wrote
Let our actions be all full of the following fruit to emote,
Like the spirit that descended upon our Savior from above
Let the very essence of who we are be pure and holy love.
I write not as one who has mastered this basket of fruit
For me to write of my own skill in this exposition is moot,
But let us reason, we can walk daily towards our life goal
Lord, let me eat of Your fruit, renew me and make whole!
Written by Gary Cox 02/09/ God be the glory